Past Life Regression – Real or Imagination
Today, Past Life Regression has been popularized by many including well known names such as Brian L Weiss, a board certified Psychiatrist, the late Delores Cannon, a true pioneer in the field of hypnotherapy and past life regression, and the possibly lesser known Michael Newton. These pioneers are just a few of those individuals who have dedicated thousands and thousands of hours working on answering the question "Is this life all there is, or are we spiritual beings returning to learn lessons, teach lessons and to ultimately grow as energetic beings?"
I first came across this work about six months after my son's passing. Someone recommended I read "Many Lives Many Masters" by Brian L. Weiss. Thank you Karen B. It is an incredible book which provided me much healing for my grief, and it started me on my path to becoming a hypnotherapist.
Michael Newton documented over 7000 Past Life Regression and Life Between Life cases, privately building research on this subject matter. Having read his materials and other less known authors including those who have also documented additional materials regarding Newton's work, has further opened my mind to the belief that our lives here are planned. Wait!!! What??? How could I have ever agreed to my son passing before me? It would go against every belief system I know - my tribe's, my community - everyone I knew. Why would I have agreed to such terms?
What I've come to understand studying this work is that there are so many hidden treasures in what I don't know --and I can only imagine what I don't know. Many who know me know my favorite saying is "I don't know what I don't know until I know I didn't know it." I have realized our beliefs are responsible for all the possible possibilities, as it is only through belief that makes the possible possible or impossible.
So beginning with an open, curious mind, and an open heart, I've embarked on several journeys into the past trying to understand why I am here, why have I chosen the life I am currently living including my parents, financial status, abilities, my body type (really?), my close friends and confidants, and more specifically, why would I have chosen to experience the passing of a child? In the most simple form, I understand that I have chosen to learn certain life lessons, such as unconditional love.
By grace, I have had the opportunity to experience my son on a different level - a spirit level, --forever changing how I can look at grief and his passing. I have had the opportunity to explore some past lives that amazingly have similar threads of circumstances shedding light on some of my more difficult current life lessons.
One of the most amazing experiences with past life regression work has been as a facilitator. I've seen root causes directly related to phobias be completely and undeniably exposed. I've seen my clients achieve some sense out of what would without this experience seem illogical or senseless. I've seen my clients experience a break-through and gain a deep understanding of current life situations simply by exploring a past life as well as to have the opportunity to release any karma that was resulting from a past life effecting their current life today.
These personal experiences, combined with witnessing the experiences of my clients has evidenced to me that when facilitated correctly with a skilled hypnotherapist along with the openness of the individual, Past Life Regression produces valuable information and possibly a life-changing experience.
While it may initially appear something to fear, or more fantasy than fact, I believe the work of those pioneering this field have been truly called to this work. It's objective is to bring more light into the lives of individuals. Through the expansions of our thoughts and beliefs and the expansion of our understanding and awareness, we allow more light into our lives. Past Life Regression work, when facilitated in a personal session with a well-trained facilitator, can provide peace in the struggle, hope for the hopeless, and light in the dark.
I leave you with a poem I wrote shortly after my son passed. I woke up one morning and I was urged by his voice -mom write this down -- and so I did.

2 comments on “Past Life Regression – Real or Imagination”
I had a past life reading before, many years ago, it was incredible and has not faded with time. I would like to have another one done to see if it could help me make sense of my life today. My life has changed so much in so many ways. I have witnessed many things that most people never get to experience and it opened me up to believe anything is possible. The poem you wrote also opens up many doors.
Thank you so much for your comment. I have watched some incredible experiences unfold during past life regressions I have facilitated. Many times it is a very profound experience. The poem was truly intuitively inspired by my son Brendon who returned to the Spirit state in May 2012.